I have this friend...
we've been friends, very good friends, since Middle School...
we have A LOT of memories together...
our kids are the same age, we were pregnant together...
I know that she would do anything for me or anyone in my family...
and she is currently an inmate at a state correctional facility.
Yep, how's that for "Life Outside of the Bubble"?
*disclaimer-her current home will be from about 9mo to 2yrs... 6mo down!
This friend had a rought start to adulthood... married her abusive boyfriend right out of high school. I prayed for her safety for years. Then I began praying for the safety of her kids. And I prayed for Jesus to touch their lives.
Finally, my prayers were answered... way beyond what I ever asked for.
Not only is she one of my very best friends, she is my sister in Christ and I love her!
When I got to talk with her yesterday on the phone (she calls every couple of weeks) we were both in tears. She was telling me how all she does now "on the inside" is read and study her Bible and go to all church activities, she "can't get enough"... those were her words. She told me that she finally understood why I had been praying for her all these years, why I hadn't given up on her, why I loved her....
Then she began to tell me that the way I live my life finally made sense to her...
I couldn't keep it in...
the tears flowed!
I am humbled and elated at the same time. Not very often in this life do we get to hear someone say those kind of things. So many times we may be involved with the beginning of someone's spiritual journey but rarely get to see them mature and grow over the years.
I feel privileged that the Lord has given me such an amazing friend...
then AND now!
I feel very unworthy of her words... I've been in a valley for quite some time...
I'm thankful it isn't valleys all of the time and for this little glimpse of the mountain peak!
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