Friday, January 28, 2011


WARNING: The following post is indeed a rant.
Do I believe it is real? Yes!
Do I believe it has anything to do with spiritual matters of the heart? Sure!
Do I think there is such a thing as post-partum depression? Absolutely!
Do I have a family history of depression? Unfortunately!
This post is not up for spiritual debate! I'm done with that!
I personally believe that depression is real and
that there are medications that can be of great help! This is not my first rodeo so to speak!
And it almost makes me angry to think that some people deprive themselves of help just because some legalistic "Christian" told them that they wouldn't need medication if they'd just get right with God!
It's hard being an only child teenager of divorced parents living between the craziness of Southern California and the remoteness of Wyoming. Feeling led to find out what my relationship with Christ was all about...
in a VERY large church... ON MY OWN!!!
It's hard having a 10 month old, being pregnant, and having a husband work 70+ hrs a week!
It's hard having 2 "babies" and an undiagnosed illness that interferes with daily living!
It's hard being broke!
It's hard having sick kids!
It's hard when your mother dies unexpectedly!
It's hard living 900 miles away from your closest family!
I've dealt with depression on and off in my life for about 20yrs, give or take. I've gone back and forth about the whole medication debate. It has worked for me in the past and I have also benefited from solely seeking the Lord's help. But now it seems different...
Webster defines depression (as I am talking about it) as:
2. b (1) : a state of feeling sad : dejection
(2) : a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies
c (1) : a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force
(2) : a lowering of vitality or functional activity

Yep, that would be me... all of those (minus the suicidal tendencies)!
Do I think it's post-partum? Yes! Having a baby does crazy things to a woman!
Do I think it's genetic? How could it NOT be?!
I truly believe those 2 things put together are a dangerous combination and I am taking it seriously! Because definition 2 b (1) leads to b (2) and c (1), I am back on medication and seriously examing my heart condition! I am trying to help myself...
and my family for that matter!
When did "trying to help yourself" become a legalistic debate?
How is taking medication wrong if it leads to better sleep, a healthy appetite, being able to concentrate, being active and functional, and possibly even happy??
I think there is no debate!
In my little bubble, medication is a gift from God to my entire family!


  1. Thanks for the honest rant Salyna.

    You are absolutely right! Until we enter into our glorified state, we live in a fallen world and we inhabit bodies affected by sin that is in a state of dying. That means that sometimes (often) it does not function as it was originally designed. Depression caused by CHEMICAL IMBALANCE IS the result of sin, but so is cancer, heart disease, physical deformities, and even the common cold. For this very reason depression affects people in all walks of life, not only those facing difficult circumstances. To declare it a sin to resort to medication for depression demands the same judgement be made for EVERY physical ailment.

    Your ultimate hope is not in the medication. I agree with you. Accept the medication as from the Lord so that you can serve Him gloriously in your home, your church, and community. Your thanksgiving, your hope, your joy, your peace, your life is in the Lord.

  2. I could not agree with you more and I'm a bible thumper too.

    I really struggled with depression this past spring. The only reason I got out of bed was to take my kids to school. Next time, I go on meds. I can't mess around with this anymore.

    Great rant. Honest and truthful.
